3 Surprising Causes of Anxiety and Depression

In this article, we will explore three surprising causes of anxiety and depression that are often overlooked. If you have tried various medications and treatments without success, it’s important to consider these potential underlying factors. Contrary to popular belief, anxiety and depression are not solely caused by a medication deficiency or a chemical imbalance. Let’s dive into the three surprising causes: pathogens, toxins, and certain foods.

Pathogens: The Hidden Culprits

Pathogens are organisms that live off our bodies and cause disease. They can include parasites like pinworms or roundworms, bacteria such as H. pylori or streptococcus, viruses like Epstein-Barr, and fungi like mold or yeast. These pathogens can deplete your body’s resources and trigger inflammation, leading to anxiety and depression. It’s important to consider the whole picture of your health, as symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and digestive issues often accompany anxiety and depression.

To determine if pathogens are the cause of your symptoms, functional tests such as stool tests, blood work, and organic acid tests can provide valuable insights. If a pathogen is identified, there are several ways to address it. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and herbs can help support your body’s natural defenses. Foods like blueberries, apples, leafy greens, and garlic have healing properties. In some cases, additional measures may be necessary, such as incorporating antibacterial, antimicrobial, or antiviral herbs like oregano oil or aloe vera.

An example of how pathogens can contribute to anxiety and depression is a client who experienced sudden and extreme anxiety. Through a thorough examination of her history, it was discovered that the anxiety was triggered by an overgrowth of H. pylori in her stomach. This overgrowth was brought on by a combination of mental and emotional stressors, including her mother’s cancer diagnosis and a heatwave in Southern California. To address the anxiety, lemon water and green juices were introduced to help flush out the pathogens and support the digestive system.

Toxins: Environmental Hazards

Toxins in our environment can also play a role in anxiety and depression. Heavy metals like mercury and aluminum can be found in everyday items such as tin cans, aluminum foil, and cookware. Petrochemicals, like those found in gasoline, are particularly toxic to the nervous system. It’s important to minimize exposure to these toxins by taking precautions at the gas station and avoiding contact with gasoline. In one client’s case, anxiety symptoms arose after gasoline spilled onto her hand and shoe, leading to the absorption of toxins into her body.

Neurotoxins, which are produced by viruses and bacteria in the body, can also contribute to anxiety and depression. These toxins can affect the nervous system and exacerbate symptoms. Addressing pathogens is crucial in managing these neurotoxins and reducing their impact on anxiety and depression.

The Role of Food

Certain foods can either worsen or alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Gluten, dairy, and eggs are known to exacerbate pathogen growth and should be avoided. Surprisingly, excessive fat and animal protein intake can also contribute to anxiety. It’s important to focus on consuming whole, organic foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds while keeping fat intake low.


Anxiety and depression can have surprising underlying causes that go beyond medication deficiencies or chemical imbalances. Pathogens, toxins, and certain foods can all play a role in triggering and exacerbating these conditions. By addressing these factors and making lifestyle changes, it is possible to find relief and embark on a journey of healing. If you’re looking for additional support, consider exploring the anxiety and depression recovery guide provided in the link below.

I hope this article has shed light on the often-overlooked causes of anxiety and depression. Remember, you are not alone in your journey, and there are resources available to help you overcome these challenges. Stay strong and keep seeking the path to healing. 



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